Danra M Kazenski, PhD, CCC-SLP

Welcome to Vermont Stuttering Therapy! VST's founder, Danra Kazenski, has enjoyed working with people who stutter since 2006, after graduating from the University of Vermont speech-language pathology (SLP) Master's program. She then spent four years as an SLP at the Montreal Fluency Centre in Quebec and returned home to Vermont in 2010. Danra is currently a faculty member at UVM to help guide graduate students as they learn professional skills to become SLPs.
Vermont Stuttering Therapy offers stuttering services to Vermonters who live in every corner of the state, during convenient weekend hours when other clinics are unavailable (Saturday mornings). VST is passionate about working with people who stutter and we look forward to meeting you!
Vermont Stuttering Therapy offers stuttering services to Vermonters who live in every corner of the state, during convenient weekend hours when other clinics are unavailable (Saturday mornings). VST is passionate about working with people who stutter and we look forward to meeting you!
Professional Experience

Clinical Assistant Professor
* University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont (2014-present)
* Train graduate students to provide direct services to people who stutter
* Teach graduate clinical seminars focusing on clinical and professional skills for SLPs
National Stuttering Association (NSA)
* Co-leader Burlington Vermont NSA Chapter (2014-present)
* NSA Chapter Leader of the Year (2018)
* Facilitate support groups for school-age children, parents, teens and adults who stutter
Speech-Language Pathologist
* University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont (2006, 2010-present)
* Montreal Fluency Centre, Quebec, Canada (2006-2010)
* Kahnawake Mohawk Territory Step by Step School, Quebec, Canada (2006-2010)
* University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont (2014-present)
* Train graduate students to provide direct services to people who stutter
* Teach graduate clinical seminars focusing on clinical and professional skills for SLPs
National Stuttering Association (NSA)
* Co-leader Burlington Vermont NSA Chapter (2014-present)
* NSA Chapter Leader of the Year (2018)
* Facilitate support groups for school-age children, parents, teens and adults who stutter
Speech-Language Pathologist
* University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont (2006, 2010-present)
* Montreal Fluency Centre, Quebec, Canada (2006-2010)
* Kahnawake Mohawk Territory Step by Step School, Quebec, Canada (2006-2010)
Professional Licensure/Memberships
* Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology (CCC-SLP)
* Vermont Licensure as a speech-language pathologist (Office of Professional Regulation)
Educational SLP endorsement (Agency of Education)
* Delaware Licensure as a speech-language pathologist (July 2018-19)
* Member, American Speech Language and Hearing Association (ASHA)
* Member, Fluency and Fluency Disorders Special Interest Division 4 (ASHA)
* Member, National Stuttering Association (NSA)
* Member, Vermont Speech and Hearing Association (VSHA)
* Member, L’Ordre des Orthophonistes et Audiologists du Quebec (2006-2010)
* Vermont Licensure as a speech-language pathologist (Office of Professional Regulation)
Educational SLP endorsement (Agency of Education)
* Delaware Licensure as a speech-language pathologist (July 2018-19)
* Member, American Speech Language and Hearing Association (ASHA)
* Member, Fluency and Fluency Disorders Special Interest Division 4 (ASHA)
* Member, National Stuttering Association (NSA)
* Member, Vermont Speech and Hearing Association (VSHA)
* Member, L’Ordre des Orthophonistes et Audiologists du Quebec (2006-2010)
Specialty Training

* Lidcombe Program for Early Stuttering Intervention Training
(University of Vermont, 2005, 2014, 2015, 2017)
- Treatment program for children who stutter ages 3-10
- Parents learn to provide specific feedback to their child when playing and having
natural conversations at home
* Avoidance Reduction Therapy (Sisskin, Montreal Workshop 2018)
* Stuttering Foundation of America Workshop for University Faculty & Doctoral Students (University of Iowa, 2016)
* National Stuttering Association (NSA) Clinical Symposium (Atlanta, 2016)
* Acceptance and Commitment Therapy training (University of Vermont, 2014)
* Camperdown stuttering therapy workshop (Montreal, 2012)
* Cognitive Behavioral Therapy workshop (Boston, 2010)
(University of Vermont, 2005, 2014, 2015, 2017)
- Treatment program for children who stutter ages 3-10
- Parents learn to provide specific feedback to their child when playing and having
natural conversations at home
* Avoidance Reduction Therapy (Sisskin, Montreal Workshop 2018)
* Stuttering Foundation of America Workshop for University Faculty & Doctoral Students (University of Iowa, 2016)
* National Stuttering Association (NSA) Clinical Symposium (Atlanta, 2016)
* Acceptance and Commitment Therapy training (University of Vermont, 2014)
* Camperdown stuttering therapy workshop (Montreal, 2012)
* Cognitive Behavioral Therapy workshop (Boston, 2010)
* Bauerly, K. & Kazenski, D. (2017) Long-term effectiveness of Lidcombe Program treatment for school-age children who stutter. Poster presentation. Oxford Dysfluency Conference. St Catherine’s College, Oxford, UK.
* Kazenski, D.M. (2015). FNIRS Measures of Prefrontal Cortex Lateralization During Stuttered and Fluency-Enhanced Speech in Adults Who Stutter. Graduate College Dissertations and Theses. Paper 303. http://scholarworks.uvm.edu/graddis/303.
* Guitar, B., Kazenski, D., Howard, A., Cousins, S.F., Fader, E. & Haskell, P. (2015). Treatment time and long-term outcome of the Lidcombe Program. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 24, 533-544. DOI:10.1044/2015_AJSLP-13-0156.
* Pinsky, H., Cornell, A., Kazenski, D., & Guitar, B. (2015). The Lidcombe Program of early stuttering intervention: effects on child language development and parent conversational style. Poster presentation. American Speech-Language and Hearing Association Convention. Denver, Colorado.
* Kazenski, D., Guitar, B., McCauley, R., Falls, W., & Dutko, L.S. (2014). Stuttering severity and responses to social-communicative challenge in preschool-age children who stutter. Speech, Language and Hearing, 17(3), 142-152. DOI: 10.1179/2050572813Y.0000000032.
* Kazenski, D.M. (2015). FNIRS Measures of Prefrontal Cortex Lateralization During Stuttered and Fluency-Enhanced Speech in Adults Who Stutter. Graduate College Dissertations and Theses. Paper 303. http://scholarworks.uvm.edu/graddis/303.
* Guitar, B., Kazenski, D., Howard, A., Cousins, S.F., Fader, E. & Haskell, P. (2015). Treatment time and long-term outcome of the Lidcombe Program. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 24, 533-544. DOI:10.1044/2015_AJSLP-13-0156.
* Pinsky, H., Cornell, A., Kazenski, D., & Guitar, B. (2015). The Lidcombe Program of early stuttering intervention: effects on child language development and parent conversational style. Poster presentation. American Speech-Language and Hearing Association Convention. Denver, Colorado.
* Kazenski, D., Guitar, B., McCauley, R., Falls, W., & Dutko, L.S. (2014). Stuttering severity and responses to social-communicative challenge in preschool-age children who stutter. Speech, Language and Hearing, 17(3), 142-152. DOI: 10.1179/2050572813Y.0000000032.